Monday 27 January 2014

Surface Pro 2 an Office outside the Office!

Here I am on a Monday evening working from my hotel base in London. Today I was at a clients premises conducting my day job. Producing electrical audit information for future and current electrical maintenance works. I have used my surface pro 2 all day gathering information and data into my corporate program. Replying to emails and uploading image files relating to my work duties.

Now back at the hotel I have my web browser open penning this blog whilst listening to Spotify and checking in on twitter. I use the EE network for my cellular connection and am fortunate to have a generous data allowance which I can tether to my surface pro 2. The result is a full office environment and connection whilst away from the comfort of my desk or home.

My surface pro 2 copes easily with my media and web browsing during the evening. I plan to watch a movie later (superman for those interested!) on it. Once upon a time I would have my laptop, phone and perhaps tablet on work trips. These days I have my phone and the surface pro 2, all linked together working hard to make my daily life as easy as possible. This has helped reduce the number and weight of the bags I carry whilst working. Believe me when your on the train and tube small things like the size, number and weight of your bags make a huge difference.

Along with saving the weight it also saves me tons of time. I would regularly gather data whilst working and type it up on my laptop later in the evening. Now I can enter all that data whilst I work enabling my office and support staff to get stuck into all that data almost instantly. Also I have much more free time in the evening, time to write my tech posts, which I hope people are reading!

The other amazing thing with the surface pro 2 is the battery life, I easily get through a work day without worrying about reaching for my charger. I did suffer from the bad software update late 2013 and had to hang in their with the Microsoft team to fix the issue. It took a little longer than I would have liked but it wasn't a huge inconvenience and showed the desire from Microsoft to make the right update and make it once. Now things are back to normal which is great and even during the issue things were not so bad. I just had to remember to turn the surface pro 2 off overnight and charge it.

I am mentioning the software bug as I don't want people to think I am just a huge Microsoft fan. I use an iPad and have a Samsung Galaxy note 3 and iPhone 5s as phones. I like my gadgets and I will fill this blog out with further topics on Android and iOS. It just seemed like a good place to start with the surface pro 2 as I use it so much at the moment. Issues come up on all the formats at one time or another and Microsoft were great they even offered to swap my surface pro 2 for a new one! It shows strength to respond to issues in the right way and not just focus on sales targets etc.

The surface pro 2 has made an immeasurable difference to my working life and I am grateful such a wonderful device was available and I dug deep into my pockets to get one. After all for a desktop/laptop/tablet the comparative cost is actually quite good. The real one device.

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